

Course Offered

Department of Anatomy offers 530 hours Course during the first three Terms (11/2 years) of MBBS course.

Course Description

Anatomy deals with the study of structures of body. Human anatomy exposes the structures of the body and pursue their related disposition by dissections. Living Anatomy and Radiological Anatomy with improved imaging techniques (X- ray, ultrasonography, CT Scan, MRI etc.) applies the knowledge from dissection of dead bodies to the living individuals, which has become important for clinical studies. Embryology and Genetics depicts the intra uterine development of human embryos and fetuses. It attempts to explore factors responsible for growth and differentiation of tissues and organs as well causes occasional malformations. Histology deals with normal ultra-structure of organs and later on is compared with the pathological status for the differentiation between the normal and abnormal. Clinical Anatomy emphasizes on the application of anatomical knowledge in clinical practice for helping clinicians for reaching correct diagnosis and apply remedial measures.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course in Anatomy, the students shall be able to:

1. Equip themselves with adequate knowledge for understanding the structural components of the body responsible for carrying out normal body functions.

2. Use the above knowledge to understand and appreciate the other subjects taught in the pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical courses.

3. Use the knowledge of Anatomy to understand the basis of common clinical conditions and carry out basic research on various fields of Anatomy.

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Contact Us

1/A, Ibrahim Sarani, Shegunbagicha
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone: +880241050373-7